Product: Protoss 4.5" Vinyl

Manufacturer: Youtooz

Game / IP: StarCraft

Developer: Blizzard

Released: 2024

Series: 1

Original Price: $29.99


"Faith before fear."

The Protos have brought the battle to the front lines of Youtooz with their vinyl debut! At 4.5 inches tall and posed ready to strike with a pair of flickering blue psi-blades powered up and emerging from their wrist guards, they hunch forward with thick golden armour covering a muscular grey body. With a long stretching face and glowing blue eyes, a matching gem sits at the middle of their forehead as their dual crests are covered in ornate gold crowns while thick nerve cords extend from the back of their head to fall down to the ground and curl around their side. The exterior of their packaging sees them within the deep sandy peaks of a desert, surrounded by colossus’, while the interior is a cool blue covered in the Protoss emblem. The protective sleeve shows off the blue and purple glow of the Milky Way and is speckled with glowing stars as their figure can be seen through the large clear window at the packaging’s front. This collectible ships in a matte, embossed, protective outer sleeve and a custom-sized plastic protector for maximum protection during shipping.

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Contributors: vgc2