Product: Sonic 12" Statue, Metallic Card & Sega Cartridge Cast w/ Golden Ring

Manufacturer: Sega

Game / IP: Sonic Mania

Developer: Christian Whitehead

Released: 2017

Series: 1

Edition: Collector's Edition

Original Price: $69.99

Dimensions: 13" x 10" x 13.5"


The Sonic Mania Collector's Edition includes inside of the collectors box a 12" statue of Sonic with the Sega startup audio that uses 2 AA batteries, a metallic collector's card with a download code for Sonic Mania, and a Sega game cartridge cast that has a golden ring inside.

Versions released for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Steam for PC

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Contributors: Terralocke

Owns it: Terralocke, Venorik