Product: Defect 4.1" Vinyl

Manufacturer: Youtooz

Game / IP: Slay the Spire

Developer: Mega Crit Games

Released: 2025

Series: 1

Original Price: $29.99


‘Combat automaton which became self-aware’

The Defect has slayed the spire and is now setting its eyes on Youtooz! Leaning to the side at 4.1 inches tall with sharp claws on each hand, two orbs sit on top of each other in the center of their softly angled face. With a blue cape billowing from their shoulders as a series of thick grey pipes run from the back of their head to the blue orb of their torso, light brown jagged and segmented legs are planted firmly on the ground as they prepare to leap into attack. The exterior of their packaging sees shadowy ornate pillars against a dark sky, while the interior is covered in the branching paths of the game's map. The protective sleeve shows the spire reaching to and through the clouds with the sun peaking through the hole the spire creates as their figure can be seen through the large clear window at its front. This collectible ships in a matte, embossed, protective outer sleeve and a custom-sized plastic protector for maximum protection during shipping.

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Contributors: vgc2