Product: Adrianator Mini Ship Replica, Challenge Coin, Patch, Dog Tags & Artwork
Manufacturer: Limited Run Games
Game / IP: Quake II
Developer: id Software
Released: 2023
Series: 1
Edition: Collector's Edition (Ultimate Strogg)
Original Price: $149.99
Developed by id Software in 1997, Quake II is a critically acclaimed first-person shooter and sequel to Quake that deviates from the original by introducing an entirely new science fiction narrative and setting. Mankind is at war with the Strogg, a hostile alien race planning an invasion of Earth. To prevent the invasion, humanity launched a preemptive strike on the Strogg failed, but you survived. Outnumbered and outgunned, fight your way through fortified military installations and shut down the enemy's war machine. Only then will the fate of humanity be known.
- Physical Copy of Quake II
- Quake II Strogg Collector's Box
- Quake II Special Edition Two-Piece Collector's Box
- Numbered Certificate of Authenticity
- Quake II SteelBook
- Reversible 18"x24" Poster
- Mini Metal Adrianator Ship
- Military Service Challenge Coin
- Combat Service Patch
- Briefing Document
- Dog Tags
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Contributors: vgc2