Product: Chell 7" Figure (Reissue)
Manufacturer: NECA
Game / IP: Portal 2
Developer: Valve
Released: 2018
Series: 2
Original Price: $24.99
Quiet and resourceful, Chell remains one of Aperture's most secretive and mysterious test subjects. Luckily, we were able to talk to one of Chell's former coworkers, who assured us that she was Chell's "closest-well, why beat around the bush - only friend." When asked for three words that best describe Chell, our anonymous source decided on "monster"; "uncaring monster"; and "generously-proportioned monster."
This is a reissued figure in window-box packaging instead of the original clamshell packaging.
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Contributors: vgc2
Owns it: vgc2, CivilKnight, Terralocke