Product: Battle Hog & Master Chief 2.4 GHz RC Vehicle w/ Turbo Boost
Manufacturer: Nkok
Game / IP: Halo Infinite
Developer: 343 Industries
Released: 2023
Series: 1
Original Price: $29.99
Halo Infinite is the latest epic adventure in the beloved Halo series, and now you can become part of all the action by hopping in the R/C “Battle Hog” UNSC Warthog—a very special variant of the iconic all-terrain vehicle. This brand-new radio-controlled replica is intricately patterned after the original models found in the game and features the legendary Master Chief in the driver’s seat alongside a Spartan-IV on the rotating mounted turret. The 2.4 GHz transmitter allows for unparalleled range and the ability to race/run up to 16 vehicles at the same time! Plus, with the transmitter’s onboard functional turbo boost button, you can take the venerable Warthog goes from fast to hyper-lethal in the press of a button!
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Contributors: vgc2