Product: Gwen Unlocked 11.02" Statue

Manufacturer: Riot Games

Game / IP: League of Legends

Developer: Riot Games

Released: 2024

Series: 1

Original Price: $74.99

Dimensions: 10.43" x 7.08" x 11.02"


"I run with scissors!"

A former doll transformed and brought to life by magic and the power of a former Camavoran queen and seamstress, Gwen wields the very tools that once created her. She carries the weight of her maker's love with every step, taking nothing for granted. At her command is the Hallowed Mist, an ancient and protective magic that has blessed Gwen's scissors, needles, and sewing thread. #36 Gwen, The Hallowed Seamstress, is now Unlocked.

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Contributors: vgc2