Product: ACV VI Weapon Set
Manufacturer: Kotobukiya
Game / IP: Armored Core V
Developer: FromSoftware
Released: 2015
Series: 1
- Sniper Rifle AM/SRA-133
- Shotgun KURENAI mdl.2
- Gatling Gun AU04 Kestrel
- Battle Rifle Au-C-B07 *Selectable with Au-C-B19
- Sniper Cannon AM-SCA-122 *Selectable with AM-SCA-219 Type
- Heat Pile Au-R-F03 * 1 set each for right arm and left arm
- Blade MURAKUMO mdl.1 * 1 set each for right arm and left arm Laser Blade X100 MOONLIGHT
- Rifle AM/RFA-130
- Rifle AM/RFA-222
- Pulse Machine Gun HATSUKARI mgl.1 *For right arm only
Plastic model "ACV VI (Variable Infinity.) Series". It is a series with infinite possibilities that introduces the rearrangement of weapons and parts, which is a game system unique to ARMORED CORE, to plastic models. This product is an expansion weapon set.
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Contributors: vgc2