Product: UNSC Trooper Support Staff 2 Pack
Manufacturer: McFarlane
Game / IP: Halo: Reach
Developer: Bungie
Released: 2011
Series: 3
The UNSC Army has nearly as much variety in its troopers as there is among the Spartan ranks. Series 1 brought you the straightforward offense of the Light and Heavy Troopers; Series 3 reinforces the Trooper ranks with two of the Army's "support staff:" the Medic Trooper and Radio Trooper. The Medic is equipped with the standard Magnum sidearm; the Radioman includes his specialized communications gear and a Shotgun for close-quarters combat. They're the perfect personnel for your UNSC Warthog, or assisting your Noble Six in a fireteam deployment.
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Contributors: vgc2