Product: Metaphor: ReFantazio Game Guide
Manufacturer: Future Press
Game / IP: Metaphor: ReFantazio
Developer: Studio Zero
Released: 2025
Series: 1
Original Price: $54.99
Fantasy is alive and well, and Atlus’ RPG masterpiece is home to one of the finest examples of the genre. Metaphor: ReFantazio is a game that easily stands apart—its deep fantasy world and unique characters are steeped in their own unique style. The kingdom of Euchronia is a world so rich it warrants an entire book devoted to exploring its every detail. Future Press is delighted to announce the official guide to Metaphor: ReFantazio, a huge tome dedicated to doing just that.
An epic adventure with intricate turn-based combat, Metaphor: ReFantazio not only provides a stiff challenge, but is overflowing with buildcraft possibilities and optional bosses to conquer. This gigantic volume catalogues everything in the game across 592 pages of beautiful design that recaptures Atlus’s wonderfully unique style on the printed page. Whether you want to dig into the game’s story, defeat its toughest bosses, or perfect every bond event, this book will add to your adventure with every turn of the page.
Perfect Planning: For those who want to optimize everything and squeeze every last drop of Wisdom out of each day, we present a walkthrough perfectly calibrated to leave no event unseen. Everything is immaculately presented and spoiler-free, allowing you to choose how you want to follow along.
Archetype Encyclopaedia: The huge Archetypes chapter puts even More’s body of research to shame, revealing everything there is to know about the skills and Synthesis attacks these majestic manifestations are capable of. You’ll find all the detailed analysis of skills, Synthesis attacks and inheritance options you could ever ask for.
Acquire Everything: We catalogue every single item and piece of equipment in the game in a reference quality chapter that makes everything easy to find and understand. If you can find an item in the game, it will be listed here, with everything relating to acquiring and using it explained in full.
A Complete Bestiary: Everything you could ever want to know about Metaphor’s surreal and bewildering collection of foes is captured across many pages of detailed stats and listings. Learn each foe’s weaknesses, skills, item drop rates and much more. This chapter allows you to plan each encounter to perfection, or simply admire the artwork and marvel at the inventive design behind these fantastical creatures.
Have all the Answers: For those who want to perfect every interaction and forge the deepest bonds, we’ve condensed all of the responses to each event into visually pleasing charts. With this in hand, every scene will play out perfectly, and you’ll reap the rewards in MAG.
100% Completion: The Appendices chapter delves into topics of vital interest to those who want to really master the game. Whether you want to fully complete the Memorandum, unlock all Trophies/Achievements, or explore the optional New Game+ content, it’s all uncovered here. As a bonus, we’ve included a detailed Build Guide that explores the depths of optimized character customization.
Bonus Poster: As a bonus for fans, we’ve reproduced the full map of the world of Euchronia as a vibrant poster, with all locations and routes shown exactly as in the game.
- Pages 592
- Format 11 x 8.5 inches / 28 x 22 cm
- Platforms PlayStation 4/5, Xbox Series X/S, Microsoft Windows, Steam
- Release Date Early 2025
- ISBNs and language editions: 9783869931340
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Contributors: vgc2