Product: 15 Hand Cast and Polished Pewter Figurines
Manufacturer: Reaper Miniatures
Game / IP: Doom
Developer: id Software
Released: 2013
Series: 2
Original Price: $200.00
Dimensions: 10" x 3" x 8"
Originally released in the late 90's by Reaper Miniatures, this new limited edition run is cast from the same molds but with an updated stamp on the bottom so you can tell them apart. The originals have a single year: 1996, while the re-releases have two: 1993, 1997. For the first time, you can get all the models together in a convenient carrying case. The line features:
- Marine with Shotgun (Hero)
- Zombie Marine with Autorifle
- Zombie Marine with Shotgun (Sergeant)
- Heavy Weapons Dude (Chaingunner)
- Imp
- Pinky Demon
- Lost Soul
- Cacodemon
- Pain Elemental
- Revenant
- Mancubus
- Baron of Hell
- Arachnotron
- Arch-Vile
- Cyberdemon
Four of the miniatures were offered as Doom 3 pre-order bonuses. EB Games offered the Pinky Demon, GameStop the Baron of Hell, and Best Buy the Mancubus. The Lost Soul was also available as a pre-order exclusively in Australia. The re-released figures appear a bit darker as they've been polished while the originals were not, and the Lost Soul is one solid piece instead of two.
Many collectors who purchase miniatures also like to hand-paint them, which can make the original unpainted miniatures even more difficult to come by.
These miniatures were carved by 3 freelance artists contracted by Reaper: Sandra L. Garrity, Julie Guthrie, and Bob Ridolfi.
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