Product: Doom Poster
Manufacturer: Mondo
Game / IP: Doom 2016
Developer: id Software
Released: 2019
Series: 1
Limited Quantity: 275
Original Price: $50.00
Just about all of us here at Mondo are current (or former) video game addicts and one game that we all universally adore is 2016's DOOM reboot from id Software and Bethesda Softworks. The game is complete mayhem from start to finish and is a beautiful testament to the hours of fun to be had while slaughtering your way through demons of Hell on a colony of Mars. We're proud to have worked with Gabz on three gorgeous posters celebrating this brutal and brilliant gem of a game. The devil is in the details and Gabz totally killed this illustration dead. This is DOOM.
- 24"x36" Screenprinted Poster, Edition of 275
- Printed by DL Screenprinting
"Being a huge fan of the first-person shooter genre, the original DOOM holds a special place in my heart. I've spent countless hours playing the game back when I was a teenager and enjoyed every secret and gore moment along the way. So when given the opportunity to work on a screenprinted poster for this groundbreaking shooter's reboot I was both honored and thrilled. I depicted "Doom Slayer" covered in blood and standing in the sea of bright yellow lava (or blood depending on the version) over several massacred corpses with a chainsawed head in one hand and a combat shotgun in the other. Doomguy is looking straight at us as if we're next in line. Aesthetically I was aiming for art you would expect on a heavy metal cover or a pinball machine. Composition and colors were inspired by the work of Frank Frazetta or Boris Vallejo among other greats I admire." - Gabz
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Contributors: vgc2