Product: Ace of Spades Hand Cannon Replica
Manufacturer: Numskull
Game / IP: Destiny
Developer: Bungie
Released: 2024
Series: 1
Original Price: $69.99
Numskull Designs is proud to partner with Bungie to present a stunning replica of the Exotic weapon, Ace of Spades. The signature weapon of the Vanguard Hunter Cayde-6, this Exotic hand cannon has been crafted using high-quality materials with meticulous attention to detail. Numskull Designs worked closely with Bungie to ensure the replica is as accurate to the in-game model as possible. Details include an iridescent finish, weathering effects, and the ace of spades playing card symbols and markings. At twelve inches wide and six inches tall, this premium replica will take pride of place wherever you choose to display it - on a desk, a shelf or even mounted on a wall - and is guaranteed to impress everyone who sees it, making it a must-own collectable for all Destiny fans.
- Official Destiny product
- Designed and manufactured by Numskull Designs, in conjunction with Bungie
- First release in the Destiny Exotic Armory Collection
- Highly detailed ABS replica of Cayde-6’s Exotic weapon, Ace of Spades
- Presented in a premium collector’s box featuring spot UV accents and embellished with a gold foil print of the Monument to Lost Lights memorial logo
- Can be placed on a desk, shelf or wall-mounted
- Dimensions: W: 12" (30.4cm) x D: 1.2" (3.1cm) x H: 6.7" (17.1cm)
Prototype sample image. Final version may vary
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Contributors: vgc2