Product: Boomerang 13" Replica

Manufacturer: Boomerangs by Vic

Game / IP: Boomerang X

Developer: DANG!

Released: 2021

Series: 1

Limited Quantity: 50

Original Price: $60.00


Handmade by artist Victor Poulin of Boomerangs by Vic. It’s a limited edition, numbered 1-50, one of a kind boomerang. It was carved out of wood, then it was painted, and now it is magic. Don’t believe us? You can try to throw it out, but it’ll just keep coming back. 13”x13”

Each Boomerang comes with a copy of the game (Steam). This will be emailed after your purchase. Please note this isn't an automated service an IRL person will send you this code so response times may vary.

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Contributors: vgc2